Charity is a core tradition of Ramadan. In the spirit of the holiday, Honest Chops joined the countless Muslim-owned businesses that gave back to their community. Learn how Honest Chops grew their business to grow their impact.
The love of meat is only part of what’s driving Latif and his partners, Russell Khan and Bassam Tariq, to open Honest Chops Burgers, a Greenwich Village spin-off of their East Village halal butcher shop, Honest Chops.
Or how about halal? The Islam-abiding butchers at Honest Chops in the East Village get its birds from Pennsylvania, too, and these guys are fed a mix of grains, oat, minerals and soy. Bonus: Honest Chops delivers!
Don’t venture in looking for pork: While Honest Chops embraces local sourcing, like most of its new-guard peers, it’s a halal establishment, one of the few sources in Manhattan for such meat.
The Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to treat animals with kindness and, if needed, kill them mercifully for food. And he didn’t mince words. “Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will….
In Islam, so much of our spirituality is tied to what we consume and right now a lot of Muslims, and people in general, are not consuming things that are good for them. There is an inherent beauty in an animal giving its life to provide sustenance to you…
Halal is what halal is, but striving towards complementing that, and not separating it from the tayyeb aspect, that’s the direction we want to push people in….